Saturday, September 7, 2024

America’s Democracy is No More; Can We Ever Restore it?

Democracy is a government governed by the people and many citizens believe this is still how the United States is running. But in today’s society, unfortunately, we are living in a country controlled by the wealthy. People need to join together to change this.

Time to Recover Productivity Gains Our Bosses Have Expropriated for Decades

If we can’t make the bosses pay more to their employees, the least we can do is make the them pay more into those workers’ Social Security fund. How to accomplish that? Just raise just the employer share of the payroll tax.

Dash Cam Video Reveals Police Car Running Over Suspect

In a recently released police dash cam video, an officer used his patrol car to intentionally run over a suspect. The police officer has since been indicted on criminal charges. Are dash cameras needed to hold police accountable?

Scurrilous Corporate Thieves Are Stealing Workers’ Comp

Princely CEO's of corporate larceny are rewarded for being pickpockets, swindlers, thugs and scoundrels. And now corporate crooks have calculated a new scheme to rob workers of their hard-earned benefits—a raw deal for injured workers.

As Video Captures Officers’ Fatal Shootings of Unarmed Men, Knowing Your Rights to Film...

As video proves decisive in holding police accountable for police brutality across the country, it's important you know your rights when filming a police officer. Democracy Now answers questions regarding people’s rights with Jay Stanley, a senior policy analyst.

Deputy Charged with Manslaughter for Gunning Down Unarmed Man

A reserve sheriff’s deputy in Oklahoma was charged with second-degree manslaughter after a video captured him shooting an unarmed man on the ground. The deputy claimed he thought he was holding his Taser when he actually killed the suspect with his gun.

Blueprint for Post-9/11 Surveillance: U.S. Began Bulk Collection of Phone Call Data in 1992

Evidently, the federal government has been secretly tracking phone calls years before the 9/11 attacks. It was the Justice Department and Drug Enforcement Administration back in 1992 that paved the way for NSA in 2001.

Wisconsin Climate Change Gag Order Part of Broader Industry-Tied Attacks on Science

Wisconsin’s Board of Commissioners of Public Lands has banned employees from working on anything concerning climate change or global warming. Money was the main influence, unfortunately, so trying to fight this is going to be a challenge. But activists should not give up the fight.

After Cop’s Shooting of Unarmed Walter Scott Caught on Video, New Calls for Body...

Would requiring officers to wear body cameras be a new way to address civil rights concerns? Jay Stanley, senior policy analyst with the Speech, Privacy and Technology Project at the American Civil Liberties Union, talks about the newly ignited debate.

Killer Cops Like North Charleston’s Officer Slager Must be Called to Account

Clearly, more cameras are needed, including body cams on officers after real-time photo evidence of a cop trying to plant evidence on his victim came into play in South Carolina. But the real issue is getting officers to do their job—serving the community.