Monday, September 16, 2024

The American Dream: Living to 18

"You don’t want to die in a matter of seconds because of cops.” This has fueled the Black Lives Matter movement across the country and has put the American Dream for our younger generations into better perspective.

DEA Agents Reprimanded for Forcing Student to Drink His Own Urine to Survive

Six DEA agents were either reprimanded or received suspensions for leaving a UC San Diego engineering student dying of dehydration after being locked up for five days without food or water. Why were no DEA agents fired or indicted on criminal charges?

Emails Show American Psychological Association Secretly Worked with Bush Admin to Enable Torture

It's confirmed through emails that the American Psychological Association aided government-sanctioned torture under President George W. Bush. Their secret coordination with the CIA’s torture program raises many questions.

Make the Rich Panic

There is no other way to rip the power away from corporate oligarchs and return it back to the people unless we take to the streets. It's time we terrify corporate power—it's time for a revolution.

"The Army Knew:" New Investigation Unravels Mexican Govt. Account of How 43 Students Disappeared

The untold story of how 43 students disappeared in Mexico on the night of September 26, 2014 unravels after an "explosive new investigation" was published by The Intercept. And the Mexican government is at the center of the investigation.

Genocide: It’s Not Just for Nazis, Folks…

Are we to believe that there was only one instance of genocide in modern history? The truth is that the crime of genocide played a major role in the development of the United States of America.

13 Current and Former Law Enforcement Officers Arrested for Drug Trafficking

The FBI recently discovered sheriff’s deputies, correctional officers, a police officer, a 911 operator and a civilian had participated in trafficking of multiple kilograms of cocaine and heroin between 2013 and 2015. They were charged with conspiring to distribute controlled substances.

Suppressed at Home, Neglected Abroad

The government of Ethiopia neglects and suppresses the people at home, ignores and abandons them abroad. They are in violation of a plethora of international covenants, as well as their own constitution, but perhaps more fundamentally they are in violation of their primary moral duty.

Are Baltimore’s Protests the Prelude to a Revolution?

Baltimore’s riots have become an uprising. The people have demanded to be heard, and now, the city, state and federal government have to listen. The real fight is just beginning.

A Century of Women Working for Peace

Deeply committed peace activists from around the globe gathered in The Hague, Amsterdam this week marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of WILPF, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, where women have been working for peace for more than a century.