Sunday, November 24, 2024

WATCH: Mother of Buffalo victim invites lawmakers to help ‘clean’ son’s bullet wounds caused...

"My son, Zaire, has a hole in the right side of his neck, two on his back, and another on his left leg," said Zeneta Everhart. "Now I want you to picture that exact scenario for one of your children."

Canada Took In 25,000 Syrian Refugees In Four Months. The U.S. Accepted 841 In...

It will take until 2020 for the U.S. to meet it's 2016 goal at this rate.

A New Memorial Day Tradition — Burning The Confederate Flag

"Burn and bury" kits that allow people to print out their own Confederate flag at home, suitable for burning.

How the Texas abortion law’s faulty legal text could self-destruct

Texas has opened a multidimensional Pandora’s box that threatens marginalized communities across the country.

Using white privilege to ban guns

A gun control organization run by women of color is putting white women on the frontlines of demanding a ban on guns.

Why it’s time for Congress to launch a manufacturing renaissance

It’s important to remember that rebuilding the nation’s industrial base will be a losing battle without stopping the serial trade cheaters who undercut U.S. producers and kill thousands of American jobs each year.

Congressmen, senators and mariachi band’s stand up to Trump’s corruption

As the sun set upon the nation's capitol hundreds of people with signs gathered for the next night of protests, this time it was the 'Confront Corruption' rally.

Slave labor found at Starbucks-certified Brazil coffee plantation

Investigators have found that laborers on the farm’s coffee plantations were working under degrading conditions and living in substandard housing without sewerage or drinking water.

Musical “Zuccotti Park” Brings Economic Justice to New York International Fringe Festival

"Easily the liveliest of the productions, 'Zuccotti Park' follows the Occupy movement in its early inception and the many narratives that echo a 'People work their ass off and cannot pay the rent' refrain."

Corrupt City Official Ordered to Repay $3.4 Million

Former Vernon City Administrator Bruce Malkenhorst Sr. has been convicted of felony misappropriation of public funds, but he has decided to fight this rather than accept the terms.