Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Undersheriff and Captain Indicted on Federal Obstruction Charges

It's another case of corruption within a police department after an undersheriff and captain were accused of corruptly influencing and impeding an FBI investigation into abuse and bribery. The L.A. Sheriff's Department has a noted culture and acceptance of corruption.

Big Brother/NSA Spies Stopped In Their Tracks; But for How Long?

A decision was recently made saying the NSA surveillance program goes beyond what is appropriate under the Patriot Act. With the Patriot Act up for renewal in a couple weeks, this ruling will hopefully get U.S. citizens to rise up and demand this government respect their privacy.

Don’t Grade Justice on a Warped Curve: Assessing the Case of Jeffrey Sterling

The government has been using fear as a weapon against truth-telling, by harassing, threatening, and imprisoning whistleblowers. Citizens like Jeffrey Sterling are being punished for speaking out against the corruption.

Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #3: Expand Social Security

U.S. senior citizens who paid into Social Security their whole lives deserve to reap the benefits from it upon retirement. If the wealthy paid their fair share in taxes this would not even be an issue to discuss.

Video Exposes Police Officer Pepper-Spraying Handcuffed Teens

The NAACP recently released a video of two handcuffed teens being shot with pepper spray while detained in a holding cell. The disturbing video bares the question: Are further civil rights violations taking place inside the Alton Police Station?

Third Blogger Hacked to Death within 3 Months

On Tuesday, a blogger was ambushed and hacked to death on his way to work in Bangladesh. Reportedly on a list of targets compiled by Islamic extremists for assassination, he was the third blogger to be killed for supporting science and reason over religious fundamentalism.

As Feds Probe Baltimore Police, Cops in Freddie Gray Case Seek Removal of Prosecutor...

Lawyers for six of the officers involved in the killing of Freddie Gray are challenging the role of Baltimore’s top prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, claiming alleged conflicts of interest and "egregious" violations. Is this their way of possibly influencing the jurors?

Stand with Postal Workers This Thursday in a National Day of Action

From Alaska to Florida, Maine to California, more than 70 public demonstrations are slated for this Thursday at post offices across the country. Join the cause and stand with postal workers for the benefit of all people.

A Nation of Snitches

"Freedom demands the destruction of the security and surveillance organs and the disempowering of the millions of informants who work for the state." Are we living in a time bomb where informants keep a populace in a state of fear?

Court Rules NSA Bulk Spying Illegal: New Vindication for Snowden, and Uncertainty for PATRIOT...

The NSA’s collection of millions of U.S. citizens’ phone records is now illegal for them to possess. This ruling comes at a time when the Patriot Act is soon up for renewal.