Thursday, September 19, 2024

Deputies Testify Against Former Colleagues in Jail Abuse Trial

Two former Los Angeles deputies are being testified against, by the victim and his girlfriend as well as by other fellow deputies, for brutally assaulting a brother of an inmate. Let's hope justice is served.

Sanders the Giant Slayer — First, Topple the Bad Queen

Assess Bernie Sanders by what he can do to advance progress, not by other ideological or entrenched standards, great fears or desperate hopes. Sanders offers progressives the best way not to "waste time" this season.

“It is in Our Power to Do Something”: After Another Massacre, Will Public Mobilize...

The recent shooting in a black church in South Carolina has led President Obama to call for immediate action on gun control. The U.S. needs to recognize the fact that these situations of mass violence does not happen in other countries with stricter gun control laws.

Returning Home to the US Is to Enter a Police State

Is our behavior as U.S. citizens being monitored and, if we do things that the government finds bothersome, we will be questioned and monitored further? Here is Dave Lindorff's account of crossing into the U.S. police state after a short vacation.

VIDEO: As Nation Mourns Nine Black Victims of Church Massacre, Details of Suspect’s White...

Dylann Roof, the 21-year-old South Carolina man with apparent sympathies to white supremacy, was captured and charged with a hate crime at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston. The massacre has effected the entire country.

Making the Economy Work for the Many and Not the Few #10: End Mass...

The way our country imprisons a staggering number of our people is wrong. Instead of mass incarceration, we need to stop wasting human talent and start opening doors to opportunity.

Dishing out Poverty Wages on Capitol Hill

Lawmakers are shafting the underpaid workers who prepare their meals. Wages are less than $11 an hour, well below the very expensive cost of living in the Washington area.

Officer Not Charged for Gunning Down Unarmed 17-Year-Old

Deven Guilford, was killed as a result of being shot seven times by Eaton County Deputy Sheriff Sgt. Jonathan Frost. Deven was stopped by the officer because Deven flashed his bright lights to alert the oncoming officer that his brights appeared to be on.

VIDEO: 'Battling the Death Star:' Seattle 'Kayaktivists' Slow Arctic-Bound Shell Oil Rig as Fight...

"Kayaktivists" are protesting against Shell oil drilling in the Arctic by preventing the rig from leaving the Port of Seattle. While dozens were arrested, activists vow to continue protesting against Shell.

The New Battle of Seattle

While fossil-fuel corporations are exploring the world’s oil, protesters in Seattle are banding together to stop Shell’s plans to drill for oil in the Arctic. And they don't plan on backing down to these catastrophic effects on climate change.