Wednesday, September 18, 2024

LAPD Releases Name of Officer Who Shot Unarmed Man in the Head

After an unarmed man walked towards police in an “aggressive manner,” an LAPD officer shot him in the head. But why did the LAPD refuse to release the name of the police officer involved in the June 19 incident until now?

Two Deputies and a Nurse Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter for Killing Student

After the coroner ruled a 21-year-old computer science student's death a homicide, two former deputies and a contract healthcare worker were charged with a felony involuntary manslaughter. What really happened to the student?

What South Carolina Needs to Do for Racial Equality (Taking Down the Flag Is...

The welfare of all South Carolinians would increase with these steps. These steps include educational reform and expansion of medicaid.

Protest Is the New Terror: How U.S. Law Enforcement Is Working to Criminalize Dissent

While the recent NSA reform bill passed in Congress represents a victory for civil liberties and privacy advocates, there's still a ways to go. Because while the right to dissent remains a fundamental American freedom, the fear of terrorism is being openly exploited by law enforcement.

Police Officer Sentenced to 63 Months for Kicking in Suspect’s Teeth

After a dash cam footage caught an officer kicking in the suspect’s teeth and breaking his nose, a former Des Moines police officer was sentenced to 63 months in federal prison. But why was there no mention of this excessive force in his arrest report?

VIDEO: Domestic Terrorism: From the Charleston Massacre to 1964 Slaying of Mississippi Civil Rights...

While the fifty-first anniversary of the 1964 slaying of Mississippi civil rights workers just passed, another hateful crime just recently took place at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina this past week. Is domestic terrorism still at large?

America’s Slave Empire

“Sleeping on a concrete slab is not going to teach you how to read or write.” The caging of prisoners and the closing of rehabilitation programs guarantees recidivism in America's slave empire.

Two Ways Racists Kill

While it's a modern and more 'civilized' form of the American tradition of shortening the lives of poor minorities, racism has evolved into a more insidious form. But it still goes on.

Deputies Testify Against Former Colleagues in Jail Abuse Trial

Two former Los Angeles deputies are being testified against, by the victim and his girlfriend as well as by other fellow deputies, for brutally assaulting a brother of an inmate. Let's hope justice is served.

Sanders the Giant Slayer — First, Topple the Bad Queen

Assess Bernie Sanders by what he can do to advance progress, not by other ideological or entrenched standards, great fears or desperate hopes. Sanders offers progressives the best way not to "waste time" this season.