Monday, September 16, 2024

Police Barring Release of Videos Showing Cops Killing Unarmed Innocent Man

While the LA County DA ruled the Gardena police were justified to shoot an innocent man and his friend, the victims’ families, who watched the videos, contradict the official narrative. And now the Gardena Police Department is seeking to suppress the video.

The Lonely American

In today's technological day and age it's impossible to build relationships and structures that are vital for civic engagement and resistance to corporate power. Yet, have we been transformed into commodities?

VIDEO: Love Wins: After Decades of Struggle, Marriage Equality Now the Law of the...

A recent ruling by the Supreme Court finally puts an end to marriage equality bans. The historic decision requires all 50 states to now permit LGBTQ couples "the fundamental right to marry."

Five Cheers and Four Raspberries for the Supreme Court as it Bars States from...

Congratulations to the five Supreme Court justices for not blowing one result of the court's pig-headedness and making marriage equality the law of the land. This was a victory for common sense and basic democracy.

Never Patriotic: The Real Meaning of the Confederate Flag

There are a few important clues about the true meaning of the Confederate flag that few know about. While the debate over the Confederate flag intensifies, here is the true meaning of the seditious symbol.

LAPD Releases Name of Officer Who Shot Unarmed Man in the Head

After an unarmed man walked towards police in an “aggressive manner,” an LAPD officer shot him in the head. But why did the LAPD refuse to release the name of the police officer involved in the June 19 incident until now?

Two Deputies and a Nurse Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter for Killing Student

After the coroner ruled a 21-year-old computer science student's death a homicide, two former deputies and a contract healthcare worker were charged with a felony involuntary manslaughter. What really happened to the student?

What South Carolina Needs to Do for Racial Equality (Taking Down the Flag Is...

The welfare of all South Carolinians would increase with these steps. These steps include educational reform and expansion of medicaid.

Protest Is the New Terror: How U.S. Law Enforcement Is Working to Criminalize Dissent

While the recent NSA reform bill passed in Congress represents a victory for civil liberties and privacy advocates, there's still a ways to go. Because while the right to dissent remains a fundamental American freedom, the fear of terrorism is being openly exploited by law enforcement.

Police Officer Sentenced to 63 Months for Kicking in Suspect’s Teeth

After a dash cam footage caught an officer kicking in the suspect’s teeth and breaking his nose, a former Des Moines police officer was sentenced to 63 months in federal prison. But why was there no mention of this excessive force in his arrest report?