Saturday, September 7, 2024

VIDEO: Sandra Bland’s Sister Responds to Suicide Allegations, Lawyer Says Waller County Withholding Details

Sandra Bland was stopped by a police officer for allegedly failing to signal a lane change, but this traffic stop escalated into an arrest and resulting in suicide while in police custody. But friends and family claim she was not suicidal.

Former Deputy Charged in Flashbang Raid that Nearly Killed Toddler

This week former deputy Nikki Autry was indicted by a jury. Autry allegedly cut corners and provided false information, which resulted in a SWAT team raiding an innocent family’s house and tossing a flashbang grenade into the face of their young child.

Revised Dash Cam Video Shows Arrest of Alleged Suicide Victim

While Sandra Bland’s death had been ruled a suicide from self-inflicted asphyxiation, her family suspects Bland was the victim of foul play. With the release of the unedited version of the dash cam video, could this tell the truth?

VIDEO: Ride-Sharing Service Uber 'Using Any Means Necessary' to Stop Regulation Attempts

Uber has expanded worldwide at an extremely rapid pace and it is prepared to fight any limitations introduced to them. Cab drivers and cab driver veterans are attempting to get Uber out of New York City and all over the world.

VIDEO: Outrage Grows After Mysterious Death of #BlackLivesMatter Activist Sandra Bland in Texas Jail

Two days after an African-American woman was stopped by police, Sandy Bland was found dead in a jail cell. Now people are demanding answers about the #BlackLivesMatter activist's death.

My Teacher

Chris Hedges discuss Rev. Coleman Brown's legacy and how Brown had the most profound impact of all his teachers on his education.

Four Marines Dead: Semi-Automatic Assault Weapons Are a Security Problem for the US

Now that four Marines have died at the hands of a civilian who was armed with a semi-automatic weapon, is it time we discuss a ban on such weapons? Assault weapons are a significant source of mayhem and security problems in the U.S.

Beyond Ag-Gag: One North Carolina Law Is Bringing the War on Whistleblowers to a...

In today's America it appears some people, especially corporate ”persons,” are indeed more equal than others. From buying elections to muzzling activists who film animal cruelty, political and financial elites increasingly think and act like they're above the law.

Protests Erupt Outside of Greek Parliament as It Approves Harsh Austerity Measures in Bailout...

As new austerity measures were approved in exchange for a third European bailout, Greek activists gathered outside the Greek Parliament on Wednesday protesting austerity. The grassroots movement erupts.

Judge Releases Videos of Police Shooting Unarmed Men

A U.S. district judge ruled that the video of police officers shooting two unarmed men in Gardena, California be released after they remained sealed for 2 years. And it reveals why law enforcement organizations fought to keep the footage suppressed.