Friday, September 20, 2024

HSBC Whistleblower Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison

HSBC whistleblower Hervé Falciani was sentenced to five years in prison for aggravated industrial espionage. Instead of using the data he acquired for financial gain, Falciani ended up assisting multiple governments in exposing wealthy tax dodgers and criminal organizations.

Officer Arrested for Murder After Gunning Down Teen Laquan McDonald on Dashcam Video

Officer Jason Van Dyke claimed that Laquan McDonald lunged at him with a knife. New dashcam video footage release shows direct contradictions with the officer's account.

Chicago Activist: City’s Call for Peace over Laquan McDonald Video Does Not Extend to...

"For us, it was important not to take a meeting with the mayor where it was clear to us that this series of meetings was about how are we going to quell our fears — being the mayor’s office’s fears — about what young, black people are going to do once this video is released."

Brussels Is Under High Security Alert, But Will Europe Address Muslims in "Marginalized Ghettos"?

Belgium’s capital city of Brussels is on its highest alert as residents remain on lockdown. People are being told to stay away from their windows, and schools remain closed as police and soldiers carry out raids in the search for suspects in the Paris attacks ten days ago that killed 130 people.

States of Terror

We waded into conflicts in the Middle East we did not understand, propelled forward by fantasy. And our folly spawned a death spiral of political, social and economic collapse, widespread poverty, massive displacement, misery and radical jihadism.

Donald Trump’s Call for Spying on U.S. Muslims Recalls FBI Bugging of MLK and...

Mr. Trump is correct that “it has been done before.” The question is whether it ought to have been done before, whether it was constitutional when it was done before.

Signs of a Dying Society

While Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning and John Kiriakou are vilified for revealing vital information about spying and bombing and torture, a man who...

Refugee Anne Frank Was Turned Away By the U.S.

Anne Frank and her family sought refuge in the United States and, like many other Jewish refugees during the time, were denied. Is history repeating itself with the refugees from Syria?

Corrupt City Official Ordered to Repay $3.4 Million

Former Vernon City Administrator Bruce Malkenhorst Sr. has been convicted of felony misappropriation of public funds, but he has decided to fight this rather than accept the terms.

The Prison-Industrial Complex Takes Another Hit

Officials who built their careers on mass incarceration are now calling for this madness to end. Could this be a turning point for the prison-industrial complex?