Friday, September 20, 2024

San Bernardino Shooting was the 351st Mass Shooting this Year

There have been more mass shootings in the United States than days this year. When will real changes be made to stop the violence?

Disabled Man Files Claim Against LAPD For Shooting Him in the Head

Seeking an apology and reforms to improve police training and transparency, DeLeon and his family simply want the LAPD to accept responsibility for DeLeon’s injuries.

Solar Power Can Be Our Future

There are those who seek to profit from expensive electricity generated by oil, gas, coal and nuclear power—and they would try to suppress the renewable energy revolution now underway. They must be stopped, and the windfall of safe, green, inexpensive electricity be allowed to flow.

Video: Naomi Klein Extended Interview on Role of Obama, Trudeau & Austerity at U.N....

Best-selling author Naomi Klein examines how the 2008 economic crisis and bank bailouts continue to shape political momentum to tackle climate change; Obama’s attempt to be a climate leader at the COP 21 meeting in Paris; and the potential for new Canada’s new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

L.A. Deputies Sentenced to Prison for Jail Beating

Former L.A. deputies and a sergeant face criminal charges in the case of Gabriel Carrillo, a man unjustly beaten after attempting to visit his brother in prison. Several of those charged face prison time.

The Age of the Demagogues

Are we in an age of demagogues? The collapse of our political and cultural institutions has turned charlatans and thugs such as presidential hopeful Donald Trump into viable candidates.

Attack on Europe

If Europe regresses back to a time when nationalism trumped all other values including peace, freedom, and prosperity, Europeans will surely pay a heavy price.

Why Hate Speech by Presidential Candidates is Despicable

In suggesting that the staff of Planned Parenthood, Muslims, Black Lives Matter protesters, and Mexican immigrants are guilty of venal acts, these candidates are fanning the flames of hate.

Top 10 Differences Between White Terrorists and Others (Video)

For one, white terrorists are called “gunmen" while other terrorists are called, like, “terrorists.

Restrictions on Syrian Refugees Driven by Fear, Xenophobia

Interview with Congressmember Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim member of Congress. “We’ve had 750,000 refugees come into this country since the year 2001. None of them – not one – has been engaged in terrorism,” Ellison says.