Friday, September 20, 2024

Bernie Sanders Seeks to Cut Carbon Emissions by 80%

“What the scientists tell us is that we have a relatively short window of opportunity to bring about the fundamental changes that we need in our global energy system to transform our energy system."

Counter-Protesters Drown Out Mock Mass Shooting With Farts

Students and other locals spoke out against the mock mass shooting, calling it "disrespectful", but they were able to find some humor in their counter-protest response.

Citizens of the World, Unite!

If a global majority fails to read the increasingly blatant handwriting on the wall, then our allegedly superior brainpower will end in fire and ice for too many already sharing this earth.

Two Muslim Women Attacked after Leaving a Mosque in Tampa

Muslims have faced an enormous increase in attacks since the San Bernardino terrorist shootings.

Former Police Officer Faces More than 260 Years in Prison

Former police officer Daniel Holtzclaw is facing charges adding up to 263 years in prison for various assault charges against African American women.

Can Capitalism and Mankind Both Survive?

American mainstream journalism isn’t asking the big question: Can capitalism and mankind co-exist? The reason journalists aren’t asking is that they know the uncomfortable answer is: No they cannot.

President Obama Wants to Close Gun Loopholes Without Congress

President Obama is fed up with Congress blocking every attempt at enacting new gun control measures. He is now taking steps to try to close gun loopholes without them.

Former NY Police Chief Arrested For Beating Handcuffed Man

Chief James Burke resigned two months ago amid a federal investigation. On Tuesday, a grand jury indicted Burke for violating Christopher Loeb’s civil rights and conspiracy to obstruct a federal civil rights investigation into the attack.

LOOK: Canada Welcomes the First of Thousands of Syrian Refugees

In stark contrast to the United States, Canada welcomed the first of what is to be thousands of Syrian refugees. Canada's plan is to welcome 25,000 refugees by March 2016.

Bernie Sanders Visits the Neighborhood Where Freddie Gray was Murdered

Senator Sanders likened what he saw in the impoverished area to a Third World country: “Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you are in a wealthy nation."