Friday, September 20, 2024

Tipping Point?

“Social contracts defining political relationships such as democracy are based on trust that the foundational definitions will hold over time and circumstances and for all members equally.”

The Looming Environmental Disaster in Missouri that Nobody is Talking About

When an unstoppable underground fire meets radioactive waste in Missouri — nobody really knows what happens next.

Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building

Armed men have taken over the Masher National Wildlife Refuge building in protest of two ranchers that were sentence to prison for arson on public land. They claim that the federal government has no authority in the county.

Feds Created More Regulations in 2015 Than in Any Previous Year

We now live in a society that is ruled by so many laws, no single person can keep track of them all.

Chris Christie Refuses to Help Unemployed New Jersey Residents Hold Onto Food Stamps

Thousands of residents in New Jersey will soon lose their food stamps because of Gov. Chris Christie.

18 Police Officers Charged in Fatal Shootings in 2015

The tally does not include the six Baltimore officers charged with causing Freddie Gray’s fatal spinal injuries.

The GOP’s Pro-Corporate Prescription

Tax credits for working families are a better deal than corporate tax breaks.

Demonstrators Ring In The New Year Demanding Police Accountability

More than 100 protesters packed City Hall again Thursday with what are now very familiar chants and calls for Mayor Rahm Emanuel to resign.

The Best Way To Honor Tamir Rice is by Reforming Our Broken Justice System

How many times will our justice system refuse to charge police with killing unarmed black people?

The Egg Industry, Scrambling

The egg industry has fought the legislative mandates, arguing that banning cages will cost producers and consumers more, without improving animal welfare.