Saturday, September 7, 2024

Famine and Government Neglect in Ethiopia

Donor countries also have a long-term responsibility to the people they purport to support. To this end the governments of Britain, America and the European Union must ensure that the Ethiopian government put in place visionary plans to mitigate the impact of any future drought.

Income Inequality Is a Health Hazard—Even for the Rich

A public health researcher explains why life expectancy in the United States is falling, and it has to do with income inequality rising.

FDA Bans Three Chemicals Linked to Cancer From Food Packaging

The FDA is banning three grease-resistant chemical substances, including PFCs, which are linked to cancer and birth defects from use in food packaging.

The Future of Food: 16 Most Exciting Stories for 2016

Here we have selected 16 stories that represent the most exciting food trends for 2016.

Sanders Report Finds Skyrocketing Drug Prices Cost Taxpayers $1.4 Billion

“It is unacceptable that Americans pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs,” asserted Sanders.

The Agriculture Attitude

This Thanksgiving, let's support, celebrate and share the amazing bounty that dedicated farmers like Lee Jones produce — for us, for the land and for the future.

WHO Announces Processed Meat Causes Cancer

According to the World Health Organization, it now classifies processed meats as a major cause of cancer, alongside cigarettes. Will this newest development encourage Americans to cutback on their meat intake?

Have Your Coke and Guzzle It Too

The world’s largest purveyor of sugary sodas now peddles empty-calorie science too. The corporate giant’s latest scientific fraud is prompted by corporate panic.

Monsanto Hits All the Wrong Notes

In his new album called "The Monsanto Years," Neil Young takes on the the corporate giant for its relentless attempts to profiteer at human expense. And there is no intimidating, buying out, censoring, or escaping this cultural power.

Doctor Sentenced to 45 Years for Providing Medically Unnecessary Chemo to Patients

After allotting unnecessary chemotherapy to patients, some who did not even have cancer, an oncologist was sentenced to prison. Dr. Fata was able to collect millions from fraudulent claims because of these actions.