Saturday, December 28, 2024

FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Potato

The FDA just approved a new GMO potato which can now be sold in the U.S.

Is climate change behind the rise of the newest superbug?

As global temperatures rise, dangerous fungi may be adapting to warmer temperatures, allowing them to thrive in mammalian species.

BREAKING: Army Corps of Engineers DENIES permit for Dakota Access Pipeline

"I heard the Army Corp of Engineers will not grant the easement and they will reroute. I would say that it is over."

The USPS is the only organization that was forced to pre-pay for health benefits...

“The Postal Service's $15 billion debt is a direct result of the mandate.”

Horseshoe crab blood key to COVID-19 vaccine despite negative impact it could have on...

“An estimated 50,000 of them die in the [vaccine] process and human interference also means that the species is now vulnerable to extinction."

Here’s how many health problems improved when people stopped eating so many GMO foods

An overwhelming majority of people reported that their conditions were significantly improved, nearly gone or completely recovered.

Bernie Sanders cheered by Trump supporters after declaring “healthcare is a right”

Trump may have been elected president but Bernie Sanders is still winning the support of the people with his efforts to promote progressive change.

Breaking Dogma to Cure Cancer

How a century of research went astray in trying to cure cancer.

Data reveals farmed salmon to be one of the most toxic foods in the...

Is this omega-rich food worth the risk?

In a Surprise Win for Democracy Over Corporate Power, GMO Labeling Has Arrived

Those predicting an easy Senate defeat for mandatory labeling saw corporations fold one by one in the face of a strong food movement.