They Knew: Michigan Officials Started Giving Clean Water to State Employees A Year Ago
State employees Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budgets were notified of Flint's water not being up to federal standards and were provided with clean water a year before residents of the city.
Sanders and Clinton Clash Over Soda Tax
Despite the fact that Clinton pledged not to impose any new taxes on households earning under $250,000 a year, she recently broke her promise by supporting Philadelphia’s proposed soda tax.
Tell Tyson Foods to clean up its pollution
Sign the petition to tell Tyson Foods to clean up their pollution and stop polluting our waterways.
Why a Single-Payer Healthcare System is Inevitable
If this weren’t enough to convince rational people to do what most other advanced nations have done – create a single-payer system that insures everyone, funded by taxpayers – consider that America’s giant health insurers are now busily consolidating into ever-larger behemoths.
The elite’s Covid-19 coup to destroy humanity that is also fast-tracking four paths to...
I encourage you to have a ponder. There is a great deal at stake at this time. A human future, no less.
Just released docs show Monsanto ‘executives colluding with corrupted EPA officials to manipulate scientific...
Monsanto continues to publicly deny that there are cancer connections to glyphosate or Roundup.
New study shows Medicare for All will save Americans billions and prevent thousands of...
This study helps quiet several attacks made on Medicare for All from the private healthcare industry.
Political Cartoonist Fired for Criticizing Monsanto, Big Ag
The cartoonist drew a cartoon depicting the ridiculous profits Big Ag makes in contrast to local farmers.
Monsanto’s Evil Twin: Disturbing Facts About the Fertilizer Industry
The currently catastrophic, but largely unrecognized, greenhouse gas damage from chemical farms and industrial food production and distribution must be reversed.
What Really Poisoned the Water in Flint, Michigan
Flint reveals that there is a much deeper contamination poisoning our country's political morals: namely, an insidious right-wing belief that poor people (particularly people of color who are poor) are underserving moochers whose misfortunes can be ignored.