Saturday, September 7, 2024

Air pollution now linked to degenerative eye disease and mental health problems in children

“While causation cannot be proved, this work suggests substantial morbidity from mental disorders could be avoided with improved air quality."

Big Pharma has failed: the antibiotic pipeline needs to be taken under public ownership

Similar to the other major crisis of our era – climate change – the antibiotic crisis poses a fundamental threat to human wellbeing around the world.

New report details fracking’s ‘widespread and severe harm’ to health and climate

"From a public health perspective and a climate perspective, stopping fracking is imperative."

Marijuana is literally saving lives in Colorado

The study found that after Colorado implemented their new recreational marijuana law, opioid-related deaths fell by 6.5 percent in the following two years.

Tell Home Depot and Lowe’s to stop selling Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicides

Tell Home Deport and Lowe's to remove Roundup from store shelves and help protect both human and pollinators' health.

Former Colorado beef ranch is now a thriving animal sanctuary

“We have never felt better or more healthy, both mentally and physically,” says the couple who started the Surf and Turf Animal Sanctuary.

Protest to House Budget Committee: ‘Kill the Bill Before It Kills Us’

That campaign is continuing as the bill moves toward a final vote on the House floor that is expected on March 23.

Hiroshima at 75: Health lessons still current

The devastating threats that atomic power poses to health still are a huge threat to humanity.

We have the money to fix our food system

Imagine supporting farmers markets, child nutrition, and local agriculture with money we spend on factory farms.

Maryland Passes the Most Sweeping Birth Control Access Law In the Country

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan signed a bill into law eliminating most co-pays and all prescriptions for birth control, demanding coverage for up to 13 months of birth control at a time, and shedding costs for vasectomies.