Saturday, September 7, 2024

The GOP Gang of Supremes Go After Obamacare

The Supreme Court is once again challenging Obamacare, which could dramatically influence the health of millions. These challengers are claiming the law prohibits insurance subsidies to the millions of low and middle-income Americans living in the 36 states that did not set up a state exchange.

Desperate People, Hazardous Escapes

Conditions in some countries are so abysmal, its residents are deciding to flee their homelands for the possibility of opportunity and freedom. Unfortunately, upon arrival to the U.S., a ‘migrant detention center’ awaits them with horrible treatment.

Millions Could Lose Obamacare Coverage as Supreme Court Weighs Dubious Koch-Backed Case

Behind the billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch, Competitive Enterprise Institute sued the government in a new challenge to Obamacare. And it's all over an aspect of the law dealing with tax subsidies. Now millions of people's healthcare coverage is in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Old McPontiff Had a Farm

Who knew—Pope Francis has a farm. And on his farm he is providing a living model of a sustainable food system to the public. Just one more reason he is living up to his reputation as the “People’s Pope.”

Not Lovin’ It

McDonald's new ad campaign is trying to tap into people’s emotions linking their positive feelings of love with the Golden Arches. Maybe it would be better served to ask the workers about the “love” they’re getting from McDonald’s.

How Tacky Can the Golden Arches Get?

McDonald's new ad campaign is designed to link the corporate brand to the healing power of love. Is this McDonald's newest idea to help reverse declining sales: more "Lovin?" Just ask protesting workers about the "love" they're getting from McDonald's.

Cannabis Americas Common Sense Crops

Thirty-two states have legalized medical marijuana in some form or another. With the help of some reform-minded activists and the general public, are our politicians starting to come to their senses on cannabis?

29 Arrested as Single-Payer Advocates Disrupt Vermont Gov. Shumlin’s Inauguration

During Gov. Peter Shumlin’s recent inaugural address, protesters took part in a sit-in desiring single-payer healthcare, which the governor had promised to create. Those participating in the sit-in were arrested on spot.

The Vaccine Conundrum

Vaccination is a highly controversial issue. Can a better understanding of the history and the science behind it help people reach a compromise?

How GMO-free Diet Changed My Life

People are much more aware of the dangers of GMOs right now, but five years ago, it was very hard to find any real information on GMOs.