Thursday, October 17, 2024

Why We Must Fight the Attack on Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is under attack. But here is an economic argument for funding family planning and women’s health services. It's critical that all of us step up right now to defend Planned Parenthood.

Have Your Coke and Guzzle It Too

The world’s largest purveyor of sugary sodas now peddles empty-calorie science too. The corporate giant’s latest scientific fraud is prompted by corporate panic.

Monsanto Hits All the Wrong Notes

In his new album called "The Monsanto Years," Neil Young takes on the the corporate giant for its relentless attempts to profiteer at human expense. And there is no intimidating, buying out, censoring, or escaping this cultural power.

Doctor Sentenced to 45 Years for Providing Medically Unnecessary Chemo to Patients

After allotting unnecessary chemotherapy to patients, some who did not even have cancer, an oncologist was sentenced to prison. Dr. Fata was able to collect millions from fraudulent claims because of these actions.

Monsanto’s Boot Camp

If much of today's news seems unreal to you, that's because corporations are spoon-feeding it to the media. Big food companies are now sponsoring "boot camps" for reporters on the issues of “feeding the world’s growing population.”

Big Food and Hotel Giants Trying to Peddle Plastic ‘Authenticity’

More and more businesses across the country are adopting an attitude providing a buy-local, un-corporate, anti-chain alternative for customers. But beware of the corporations that are playing the profitable imitation game—don't be duped.

VIDEO: Organic Farming Flourishes in Cuba, but Can It Survive Entry of US Agribusiness?

While Cuba was forced to build a largely organic farming system out of necessity when the Soviet Union collapsed, what will happen now that the country will enter the U.S. agribusiness?

The Real Drug Racket

Big Pharma "cornered the market on life-saving heart drugs" and guess what happened next: they jacked up the prices. Are pharmaceutical companies' business models based on legalized price gouging?

A Bacon-Wrapped Cholesterol Bomb

Bacon continues to add to the growing obesity epidemic in America, not to mention the health problems that come with it. So could Little Caesars' new bacon-wrapped pizza, with an excess of toppings, help land you in the emergency room?

Louisiana Denies Compensation to Dying Exonerated Death Row Prisoner as Former Prosecutor Apologizes

Glenn Ford was recently freed from death row after three decades, but unfortunately now suffers from stage three lung cancer. He is suing the prison for not providing treatment when he was first diagnosed in 2011.