The smoke’s gone, but hearts and lungs still may be in danger months after...
The long-term effects of breathing this cocktail are unknown.
People’s vaccine: Calls grow for equal access to coronavirus vaccine as rich countries hoard...
A growing movement is calling for the development of a people’s vaccine and the suspension of intellectual property rights to expand access.
How to keep indoor air clean to reduce the chance of spreading Covid
Using increased ventilation or running an appropriately sized air cleaner or filter can add an extra layer of protection.
Buyers should beware of organic labels on nonfood products
Without effective oversight, unscrupulous retailers have an incentive to continue cashing in on the organic seal.
This pandemic brings out the worst in our CEOs
Last year, CEOs signed a pledge to be better corporate citizens. Then the pandemic hit.
Reducing food waste can protect our health, as well as our planet’s
Reducing food waste can address two major problems facing humanity today: cost of food waste and the impact on the health of our people and our planet.
Sanders demands probe of push to give company patent for public-funded cancer treatment
Sanders demanded a probe of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) patent proposal in a letter to Christi Grimm, inspector general of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Atmospheric CO2 increasing 10x faster than in last 50,000 years, study finds
“We rely on the Southern Ocean to take up part of the carbon dioxide we emit, but rapidly increasing southerly winds weaken its ability to do so."
Not Lovin’ It
McDonald's new ad campaign is trying to tap into people’s emotions linking their positive feelings of love with the Golden Arches. Maybe it would be better served to ask the workers about the “love” they’re getting from McDonald’s.
Judge blocks California from putting cancer warning on Roundup
So far, juries in three trials have ordered the company to pay billions after concluding that the product did cause cancer.