Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Medicare For All favored by a majority of Republicans new poll shows

"As Donald Trump and Republicans have stepped up attacks on Medicare for All, their own party has embraced the policy."

Police chief arrested for selling meth

"DEA and our law enforcement partners will hold drug dealers accountable no matter who they are."

Virgilio Aguilar Méndez is facing murder charges for an officer who died of natural...

An officer died of a heart attack while attacking Virgilio Aguilar Méndez; now Aguilar Méndez is facing murder charges.

Dalit Lives Matter

Technology has helped to facilitate these movements locally and disseminated information about them throughout the world in a way earlier generations of activists could have only dreamed about.

Not Bernie, us. Not Warren, us. Their clash underscores the need for grassroots wisdom.

For the sake of humanity and the planet, we need a tactical alliance between the Sanders and Warren campaigns.

Progressive Briefing for Monday, June 25, 2018

Poor People's Campaign marches on Washington, Saudi Arabia lifts the ban on women driving, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is kicked out of a restaurant, and more.

We need to reimagine masculinity and ask why men are supporting Trump

 If the traditional man is exalted for providing and protecting his kin and family, could a healthy masculinity reflect someone who wants to protect society and the planet?

Dangerous levels of plastic found in children’s bodies finds new study

"It can't be that every fourth child between three and five years old is so heavily burdened with chemicals that long-term damage cannot safely be ruled out."

New research shows the power of putting your opponent in a bind

A study of 44 dilemma actions over the last 90 years examines the many benefits of creative protests for social movements.

Election subversion is replacing voter suppression as new GOP threat

Pro-Trump Republicans are building new paths to subvert future election results, numerous analyses find.