Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Special Delivery for the Plutocrats

Spending by outside groups exploded from about $15 million in 1998 to more than $1 billion in 2012. And between the Clinton coffers and Koch cash, the crisis will get far worse as the 2016 presidential-election season heats up. Doug Hughes hopes to help change this.

An Exciting Democracy Movement Arises in Chicago

“Reclaim Chicago,” a progressive, people-led democratic coalition, are attempting to reclaim their city. Corporate elites and corrupt politicians better beware of the power of thousands of grassroots Chicagoans.

‘Proud Partners’ Corporatize Our Parks

Why are our presidents so good at praising America's national park system, but lousy at maintaining it? Now Park Service officials have begun the "corporatization" process starting with "co-branding" agreements with national parks.

Criminal charges for water executives as Britain introduces landmark legislation to crack down on...

The new law represents the most significant increase in enforcement powers in over a decade, giving regulators unprecedented authority to crack down on water companies polluting the nation’s lakes, rivers, and seas.

The New Battle of Seattle

While fossil-fuel corporations are exploring the world’s oil, protesters in Seattle are banding together to stop Shell’s plans to drill for oil in the Arctic. And they don't plan on backing down to these catastrophic effects on climate change.

Netanyahu’s Gaza border occupation stalls ceasefire amid mounting protests and US frustration

At the heart of the current impasse is Netanyahu’s firm stance on maintaining Israeli control over the Philadelphi Corridor—a narrow strip of land that runs along Gaza’s border with Egypt.

Harris can’t embrace billionaires if she wants to win

Billionaires are busy pressuring political candidates to keep their taxes unjustly low. Their opinions shouldn’t—and don’t—matter.

Activists in Philly have a novel approach to help de-oppress society

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s AORTA helps organizations restructure for greater equity.

Big Food and Hotel Giants Trying to Peddle Plastic ‘Authenticity’

More and more businesses across the country are adopting an attitude providing a buy-local, un-corporate, anti-chain alternative for customers. But beware of the corporations that are playing the profitable imitation game—don't be duped.

Anticipatory Bribery

It's about time the people that run for office feel the burden of revealing payments based on their economic worth, not anticipated political clout. Have we entered a future of anticipatory bribery?