Thursday, September 19, 2024

The High School Valedictory Address You Weren’t Supposed to Hear

Evan Young, valedictorian of his graduating class this year, was told by his school Principal that he was not allowed to give the valedictorian speech he wrote because it included his admission of being gay. The principal even went so far as to out Evan to his father!

Vance struggles as Trump’s running mate, blames media for negative coverage

Controversial comments and media scrutiny plague GOP VP nominee J.D. Vance.

More than 22 percent of migrating species at risk of extinction, UN report finds

In order to improve the status of migratory species, the report recommends mapping and protecting feeding, breeding and stopover locations.

VIDEO: #12. Most Important of All: Get Big Money Out of Politics

All that we need to do as a nation is achievable only if we get big money out of politics because an economy that works for everyone is a democracy that works. So it's about time we put an end to dark money.

Fighting Inequality at the Local Level

While it's still legal to exercise your First Amendment rights, transit workers in Grand Rapids are organizing against pension theft and fare hikes. It's time we stop widening the inequality gap and start bridging it.

Former Senator Pleads Guilty in Corruption Case

Former California State Senator Leland Yee was convicted of racketeering as he plead guilty to his direct involvement in multiple conspiracies. Corruption at the state level has dark money running rampant.

EPA finalizes updates to National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the final rule "will prevent up to 4,500 premature deaths and 800,000 cases of asthma symptoms per year."

WHO classifies talc as ‘probably carcinogenic’ for humans

Most human are exposed to talc, which is a naturally occurring mineral mined in many parts of the world, in baby powder, skincare and cosmetics.

DC Gyrocopter Pilot Remains Defiant After Indicted on Federal Charges

After Doug Hughes landed his gyrocopter on Capitol Hill last month in an attempt to spread public awareness regarding dark money, the Florida postal worker faces a prison sentence for his nonviolent protest against rampant political greed. Where's our freedom of speech?

Why the media’s ‘sanewashing’ of Trump is uniquely dangerous

In their attempts to normalize an obviously abnormal candidate, major media outlets risk shirking their responsibility to do the most fundamental job of the free press at their own peril: To tell the truth.