Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why We’re All Becoming Independent Contractors

The most significant legal trend in the American workforce is “independent contractors,” which lessens companies' costs of having full-time employees. But is the trend contributing directly to low pay, irregular hours and job insecurity?

Video Reveals Federal Agents Arresting Venezuelan Mayor for Conspiracy

Mayor Ledezma of Caracas in Venezuela was recently arrested and is being accused of conspiring to overthrow the Venezuelan government. The Venezuelan President has faced severe economic turmoil and social unrest and he seems to be targeting military and political opponents without proof of evidence.

State Treasurer Resigns and Pleads Guilty to Attempted Extortion

Pennsylvania State Treasurer Robert McCord, who pled guilty to two counts of attempted extortion on Tuesday, could face up to 40 years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines. Did his behavior lead to the "erosion of the public's trust?"

From ‘Demos’ to ‘Podemos’: Popular Uprisings in Greece and Spain

The future of Europe is in flux, as popular movements in Greece and Spain gain power and challenge traditional economic and political systems. The global economic crisis created enormous suffering for billions around the world, but it also created an opening.

Governor Apologizes to Indian Government for Brutal Police Assault

In a formal announcement this week, Governor Robert Bentley of Alabama apologized to the government of India after a brutal assault by an officer left a 57-year-old Indian man visiting America partially paralyzed. Bentley said "justice would be served."

Reverend William Barber: Leader of the Biggest Social Movement the Media Won’t Talk About

Reverend Dr. William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP and voice of the Forward Together movement is "challenging the legislators and governor to be true to the constitution and true moral values." So where's the media coverage?

Goosey as Ever

It's nearly two years away, but the 2016 presidential candidates are "goosey" than ever. So who will the next presidential race come down to—Bush vs. Clinton? The race is on.

How Trade Deals Boost the Top 1 Percent and Bust the Rest

While the White House thinks a trade deal will help the U.S. contain China’s power and influence, it will actually make global corporations in the U.S. even more powerful and influential than they've already become. The rich keep getting richer.

Four Numbers to Make Us Fighting Mad. And One Way to Fight.

A national Permanent Fund might be the most brilliant solution to upward wealth redistribution. Outlined by Peter Barnes, it was modeled after the popular and successful Alaska Permanent Fund because shouldn't we all benefit from our nation's steadily rising productivity.

LAPD Shoot 15-Year-Old in Back for Standing Near Friend Holding Toy Gun

Violence implemented on victims by police has become a growing problem in the U.S. and the city of Los Angeles is no different. LAPD officers recently shot a 15-year-old because his friend was playing with a replica gun on their way to school.