Thursday, September 19, 2024

The American Worker: Crushed Again by the Overwhelming Power of Corporatism

President Obama and his team of corporate bullies have successfully forced Fast Track legislation for the TPP through Congress and now global corporations rule America. Once again, American workers are being kicked while they’re down.

My Pick for the Next Speaker of the US House

While the Speaker of the House doesn't actually have to be a member of Congress, why don't we choose someone like a kindergarten teacher, a minimum-wage worker, or organic farmer to run the show? They might be exactly who is needed.

Biden admin takes ‘long overdue’ steps to limit methane emissions from drilling on public...

The U.S. Department of the Interior takes a bold step forward with new rules to curb methane emissions from oil and gas operations on federal and Tribal lands, marking a significant leap towards sustainable energy practices and environmental stewardship.

Abortion bans impede efforts to address domestic violence: An alarming consequence

The very doctors who play a crucial role in identifying and assisting victims of intimate partner violence, namely OB-GYNs, are facing increasing challenges in providing this essential care.

As 2015 Begins, Remember 2014′s Wins

The core message from last year’s elections wasn't that voters embraced the GOP’s right-wing values, it's that they didn’t want to elect namby-pamby Democrats. But there is now a chance to say “yes” to an array of progressive ballot initiatives.

Youth climate lawsuit against Canadian climate policy can go to trial, court rules 

The Federal Court of Appeal said “the burden of addressing [climate] consequences will disproportionately affect Canadian youth.”

Not just the Supreme Court: Ethics troubles plague state high courts, too

It is against the law for federal judges to hear cases when they own stock in a party. But state supreme court justices, in North Carolina and elsewhere, are not held to the same standard.

New York Times reviews reporter’s ‘likes’ on post advocating Gaza ‘slaughterhouse

Amidst ethical scrutiny, The New York Times delves into the actions of a freelancer whose social media activity casts shadows on journalistic neutrality in conflict coverage.

DeSantis rejects GOP bill for taxpayer-funded legal aid to Trump amid legal challenges

The bill, filed by Sen. Garcia, was designed to support presidential candidates from Florida, including Trump, in their legal battles.