Thursday, September 19, 2024

President Obama Drones On And On; Ranks Of New Terrorists Swell

What will President Obama be known for in future history books? It could be for some positive changes he made for his citizens or it could be for his poor decision to open the door to drone warfare.

Ghost Dance: Five Facts about Our Vanished Nations

In his column, Thomas Magstadt lists a few facts about U.S. history from a new book about Indigenous people of the nation written from the perspective of non-Indigenous people. It's time we as a nation recognize our past wrongs so we can finally heal.

Giving Homes to the Homeless is Cheaper Than Leaving them on the Street. Here’s...

It is much more cost-effective to build public, low-income housing for the homeless than it is to leave them on the street. This was proven in Salt Lake City, Utah. The only thing we’re lacking is the political leadership willing to abolish homelessness for everyone, nationwide.

Drunken Secret Service Agents Crash into White House Barricade

Secret Service agents Mark Connolly and George Ogilvie were returning from drinking and celebrating the retirement of departing Secret Service spokesman Edwin Donovan. While driving drunk through the police tape and interrupting an active investigation, the agents crashed into a temporary barricade in their government vehicle.

Ferguson Police Chief Resigns After DOJ Exposes Systemic Racism

After analyzing the Ferguson Police Department, the Justice Department reported that the police department repeatedly violated civil rights. Still, no one has been charged with any crimes after a pattern of systemic abuse and racism was revealed.

‘Epic Fail:’ Feminism and Ecological Crises

It seems homo sapiens’ domination of Earth is coming to an end as the result of today’s processes of resource extraction and waste generation. What can we do to change this trajectory, and is this conversation unavoidable?

Republican Senators Undermine President’s Nuclear Deal with Iran

In an open letter to Iran’s leaders on Monday, 47 Republican Senators undermined President Obama's negotiations with Iran and threatened to sabotage any agreement reached between the two countries. But Republicans won't stop there.

VIDEO: The Three Biggest Myths Blinding Us to the Economic Truth

Why should Americans be worried about who government is for? Because money in politics causes many decisions to become rigged against average working Americans. It's time we get money out of politics.

The Conundrum of Corporation and Nation

“We don’t have an obligation to solve America’s problems.” But corporate dominance on American politics makes their interests lie in share prices instead of the wellbeing of Americans. Our nation can't thrive when our political system is run largely by big American corporations.

How to Become a Conservative in Four Embarrassing Steps

Conservatives often turn to denial, dismissal, and/or belligerence through delusional thinking and a lack of empathy. We are living in a conservative-controlled nation—here are four reasons we are moving closer to a world of trouble for our children.