Monday, September 16, 2024

Why Bernie Sanders Is the Only Populist Candidate for President

While Bernie Sanders will make his official campaign announcement by the end of the month, could Americans finally have the economic populist presidential candidate they’ve been waiting for? It's entirely up to us.

DOJ Opens Investigation into Police Suspect Killed by Spinal Injuries

The Baltimore police department is under scrutiny, with a criminal investigation now being opened, after a suspect died while in police custody. Although the officers claim they did not use force, video footage shows otherwise.

Special Delivery for the Plutocrats

Spending by outside groups exploded from about $15 million in 1998 to more than $1 billion in 2012. And between the Clinton coffers and Koch cash, the crisis will get far worse as the 2016 presidential-election season heats up. Doug Hughes hopes to help change this.

How the New Flexible Economy Is Making Workers’ Lives Hell

Just-in-time scheduling is designed to make customer-driven businesses more nimble and keep costs to a minimum. But while it's part of America's new "flexible economy," it doesn't allow working people to live their lives.

‘Dr. Evil’ Turns Out to be ‘Dr. Silly’

Rick Berman is a "wholly unprincipled little man" who takes corporations dollars by offering to do their dirty PR work. While he continues taking secret funding from major corporations, he's become know as "Dr. Silly" for clownish and bombastic traits.

Top 10 Ways to Prove You Love the Earth on Earth Day

While environmentalism meant something different in 1970 than it does now, Juan Cole discusses the 10 ways you can prove you love the earth as we raise awareness about climate change on Earth Day.

DOJ Admits FBI Forensic Examiners Gave False Testimony for Decades

The Department of Justice and FBI have openly admitted to providing scientifically invalid testimonies for decades. The result: numerous innocent convicts have been exonerated and released from prison.

Choosing Life

Farmers often display genuine affection for the animals they abuse and send to slaughter. Have we created a belief system that inures people to suffering in a culture that kills? It's time we restore balance to the earth and our lives.

Another Fight for 15: A $15,000 Dividend for Every American Family

Could a national dividend help fix the economy? Paul Buchheit shares several powerful reasons why this should happen, but it all depends on if Congress is willing to fight for the American people.

America’s Democracy is No More; Can We Ever Restore it?

Democracy is a government governed by the people and many citizens believe this is still how the United States is running. But in today’s society, unfortunately, we are living in a country controlled by the wealthy. People need to join together to change this.