Saturday, September 7, 2024

World-ending maneuvers?

The influence of such special interest groups and corporate weapons-makers over life-and-death issues should be considered both a moral outrage and perhaps the ultimate security risk.

On Leaders and Demagogues

Living in a democracy, it's important that we distinguish leaders from demagogues. So with the current crop of Presidential candidates: Who are the leaders and who are the demagogues?

Former Public Schools Chief Indicted for Accepting Bribes and Kickbacks

Pleading guilty, former Chicago Public Schools chief Barbara Byrd-Bennett was indicted for accepting bribes and kickbacks in exchange for lucrative government contracts. Corrupt politicians continue to line their pockets with taxpayer money.

Why a New Jersey Puffer Fish Should Not Be President

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was at one point considered to be Mitt Romney's vice president if he had won back in 2012, but Romney decided he was not fit to lead. Apparently Christie did not agree and is now attempting to run for president in 2016.

The Great Unraveling

Such labels as “liberal” and “conservative” are meaningless in the neoliberal order. Political elites, Democrat or Republican, serve the demands of corporations and empire in our system of “inverted totalitarianism.”

Hillary Clinton Voices Support for Federal Investigation of ExxonMobil

At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton said that she is in support of the Department of Justice investigating ExxonMobil. Her stance: There is a lot of evidence that ExxonMobil purposefully mislead the American public on climate change.

Labor Day 2028

By 2028 will technology replace all work, leaving no one worried about making money? If John Maynard Keynes' prediction is right, we must learn how to redistribute the profits from these labor-saving inventions—and fast.

NY Assemblyman Sentenced to Prison on Public Corruption Charges

Former New York State Assemblyman William Scarborough was arrested and indicted on 11 federal charges and 23 state charges of fraud and theft. After pleading guilty, he will spend 13 months in prison—just another crooked politician.

Goosey as Ever

It's nearly two years away, but the 2016 presidential candidates are "goosey" than ever. So who will the next presidential race come down to—Bush vs. Clinton? The race is on.

Making the Economy Work for the Many and Not the Few #10: End Mass...

The way our country imprisons a staggering number of our people is wrong. Instead of mass incarceration, we need to stop wasting human talent and start opening doors to opportunity.