Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Economic Tsunami Gathering Momentum Off the Shores of America

Our government is a dysfunctional, corporate-ruled mess with a massive debt that has gotten out of control. “A massive tsunami, a mega-powerful financial tidal wave, is growing in intensity off the shores of America” and only we can stop the chaos that seems inevitable.

DC Gyrocopter Pilot Remains Defiant After Indicted on Federal Charges

After Doug Hughes landed his gyrocopter on Capitol Hill last month in an attempt to spread public awareness regarding dark money, the Florida postal worker faces a prison sentence for his nonviolent protest against rampant political greed. Where's our freedom of speech?

Rogue Cop Indicted for Excessive Force and Cover-Ups

Officer Griffin has had at least 19 complaints filed against him, including six from last year. On Wednesday, Griffin was charged with four counts of deprivation of rights under color of law, three counts of perjury, and two counts of destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in federal investigations.

Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #5: How to Reinvent Education

We’re paying investment bankers hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars a year to make money for Wall Street. We ought to be paying educators and staff a decent wage to develop and guide the nation’s human capital – an investment that would benefit everyone.

Fox News Anchor Bill O’Reilly Reportedly Abused His Wife in Front of His Daughter

“You can't be a real man if you don't look out for your kids. They need you.” But is Bill O'Reilly "a real man" after he allegedly physically abused his wife in front of their young daughter?

Obama’s Ugly Show of Presidential Petulance

The President has "worked himself into such a tizzy over the TPP." While his progressive friends in Congress are questioning the secret trade agreement, Obama is lashing out at them in a pathetic show of presidential petulance.

A Middle-Class Tax Revolt? You Bet!!!

Welfare in the U.S. flows vertically in two directions from a single source—the middle-class. The redistribution of wealth that flows up to the rich is far greater and more concentrated than the wealth that flows down to the poor. This is a major problem.

The Revolt of Small Business Republicans

While small business owners have contributed to the same Republican candidates and committees favored by big business, they are finally waking up to the fact they’re being screwed by big businesses. Is a revolt in their future?

The Plundering of a Nation by a Beloved Company

Does the "tax-avoiding, research-appropriating, cost-escalating, wage-minimizing, self-enriching Apple Corporation" really have a very strong moral compass? It's time consumers know the truth about the company's theft from taxpayers and the exploitation of workers and customers.

If ‘Too-Big-to-Fail’’ Means Too-Big-To-Jail’ It Should Mean ‘Too-Big-to-Be’

If the government really believes that banks like JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citibank and Wells Fargo are “too big to fail” because prosecuting their chief executives could lead to a new financial crisis, then those institutions are simply too big to allow to exist.