Thursday, September 19, 2024

TSA Director Demoted After Massive Security Failures

After a covert Red Team recently tested security, the TSA's failure rate was at an astonishing 96 percent. The "abominable failure" caused the demotion of Acting Administrator, Melvin Carraway, with many more changes to come.

Shocking Schumer

Even Chuck Schumer, New York senator who never finds a global trade deal too ugly to hug, fears that the Trans-Pacific Partnership would let corporations roll back laws at every level of government. Yes, the TPP is shameful, Chuck!

Why Rand Paul Was Right to Kill the So-Called Patriot Act: It Was Never...

While Sen. Rand Paul helped force the expiration of the so-called PATRIOT Act, it seems he is a better constitutional scholar than Barack Obama, who is not interested in the Fourth Amendment.

Deputies Plead Guilty to Covering Up Assault Against Inmate’s Brother

Two of the five deputies accused of brutally assaulting an inmate’s brother visiting the Men’s County Jail in Los Angeles have already pled guilty to criminal charges. Just another example of police brutality and deputies’ false reports.

State of Disaster

With natural disaster after natural disaster, Texans continues to elect officials who deny climate change. How many natural disasters will it take for the state to realize the disaster of it's elected officials?

Discarding the Elderly

The elderly have become the victims of financial exploitation and neglect. Is America going through the greatest retirement crisis in the history of the world?

China and America: Polar Opposites

The United States and China are polar opposites when it comes to many things like war, the economy, and power. The U.S. was once the economic power of the world, but China seems to be flourishing while the U.S. is diminishing.

The Pre-Charge Punishment of Julian Assange

While Julian Assange, the founder and editor of the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks, was granted political asylum from Ecuador, the U.K. is refusing to give him free passage out of the country. Could this be an act for the U.S. who wants him jailed?

Former House Speaker Charged with Concealing Blackmail Payments

Dennis Hastert, former House Speaker, was indicted for covering up large bank transactions and lying to the FBI. Forced to cover up past misconduct through blackmail payments, is Hastert squeaky clean reputation now tainted?

FIFA Executives Indicted on International Corruption Charges

The defendants face maximum terms of 20 years in prison for the RICO conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering conspiracy, money laundering, and obstruction of justice charges. Did they get what they deserved?