Thursday, September 19, 2024

Undercover NY Cop Found Guilty of Assault in Motorist’s Beating

After an undercover New York detective and a biker were caught on video ruthlessly beating a motorist, the two were convicted on Tuesday of second-degree assault, coercion and riot. Their sentencing is set for August.

Big Food and Hotel Giants Trying to Peddle Plastic ‘Authenticity’

More and more businesses across the country are adopting an attitude providing a buy-local, un-corporate, anti-chain alternative for customers. But beware of the corporations that are playing the profitable imitation game—don't be duped.

Ex-Cop Indicted on Murder Charge for Gunning Down Unarmed Man

After South Carolina police officer, Michael Slager, fatally killed Walter Scott during a routine traffic stop, a grand jury decided to indict Slager for the murder. Will the indictment of another officer involved in covering up the shooting give us the answers?

What’s Wrong with America?

The world’s one-time sole surviving superpower is in decline. And what ails the U.S. can be seen through the experience of ordinary people—those who personify the existential rationale for “democracy.”

Anticipatory Bribery

It's about time the people that run for office feel the burden of revealing payments based on their economic worth, not anticipated political clout. Have we entered a future of anticipatory bribery?

How America Invites Terrorism

Maybe it's time we inform our soldiers of their likely roles in the killing machine, because war does not bring freedom. Instead, it invites young men and women to start on their own personal worlds of terror.

U.S. in the Middle East: Where You Don’t Belong You Must Not Stay

The U.S. should not be in the Middle East, but the U.S. government will not be pulling out troops when there is still oil and natural gas there. At some point in time, other countries will get so tired of this endless war they will step in to put an end to it.

Student’s Death in Custody Ruled a Homicide After Nine Deputies Fired

A 21-year-old computer science student died while in police custody. Calling it a homicide, it was only after his death certificate was issued that it was confirmed the student was killed at the hands of the police. Just another case of police brutality.

The High School Valedictory Address You Weren’t Supposed to Hear

Evan Young, valedictorian of his graduating class this year, was told by his school Principal that he was not allowed to give the valedictorian speech he wrote because it included his admission of being gay. The principal even went so far as to out Evan to his father!

How Mainstream Is Bernie Sanders Really?

A democratic socialist and all, Bernie Sanders isn't being taken seriously by the corporate media. But to mainstream media's surprise, Sanders’s positions are quite mainstream to the stances of the general American public.