Thursday, September 19, 2024

Warren calls out Vance’s abortion ban claims as a real threat to women’s rights

Elizabeth Warren warns that a Trump-Vance administration could use a 151-year-old law to enforce a nationwide abortion ban, threatening the reproductive rights of all American women.

Trump administration admits 1,400+ more people will die each year following coal plant deregulation

Trump recently announced a massive rollback of Obama-era environmental regulations on coal-fired power plants and carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to climate change.

The military-industrial complex is killing us all

Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy. Bombs also make people rich.

A Super Bowl musing: Can pro sports be more than a billionaire bacchanalia?

A cyber-savvy deep pocket is claiming he has the key to ‘democratizing’ our sporting landscape

Paul Manafort guilty on eight of 18 charges

The government alleged Manafort "hid income from foreign consulting from the IRS" and later "lied to banks to qualify for loans to sustain his lavish lifestyle."

House approves Save the Internet Act, votes to restore net neutrality

"The Save the Internet Act ensures that consumers have control over their Internet experience, rather than Internet service providers [controlling that experience]."

Farming as resistance

Threatened by a mining company, indigenous women in the remote highlands of Guatemala are marching, increasing productivity, and planting trees.

Protesters rise up to block health care repeal

It is clear that people in the United States will not tolerate changes that drive millions of more people off of health insurance.

As Amazonian wildfire season approaches, we must protect the vulnerable forest

Jair Bolsonaro’s aggressive deregulation and exploitation of the Amazon’s resources threatens the entire planet.

Supreme Court faces critical decision on homelessness: The battle over public sleeping laws in...

As the Supreme Court scrutinizes the criminalization of homelessness, liberal justices challenge the constitutionality of punishing the essential human act of sleeping, highlighting the plight of affected families and children.