Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to talk to kids about climate change (and have fun, too)

We can empower children to be a part of the solution.

What is the major issue in the 2020 election?

"Do the wealthy contend that their excess wealth is needed by the economy?"

Chris Christie to Leave Over 3,000 Disabled People Homeless

Chris Christie is ending a three-year extension program designed to help people with permanent disability support. Is Christie trying to balance the state’s budget on the backs of disabled Americans while continuing to give to the rich?

The break-up?

Are the United States and Israel no longer friends?

The global cry for change

Billions of people throughout the world are desperate for change, for freedom, social justice, greater democracy and environmental action.

Actors embrace tentative deal with studios, curtains rise on Hollywood’s longest strike era

This agreement, coupled with a recent deal among writers, has brought a close to the industry's strike actions that had previously brought production to a near standstill.

Why I resigned: Meet Tariq Habash, first Biden appointee to quit over US-backed Israeli...

“It was untenable to work for and represent an administration and president that put conditions on my own humanity, that didn’t believe that Palestinian lives were equal to the lives of other people."

Michael Moore: Democrats made fatal mistake in not taking Trump more seriously in 2016

We talk to Michael Moore about his predictions and how Democrats failed to take Trump more seriously.

US Forest Service plan to plant more than a billion trees limited by lack...

Not only that, but U.S. tree nurseries don’t have enough variety of species necessary to meet the goal.