Monday, September 16, 2024

Anita, Christine, and Me

For those of us still struggling to move forward, the memory of the hearings, and all it represented, will be seared, as Dr. Ford might have put it, into the hippocampus, never to fade.

Biden considering deploying thousands of troops to eastern Europe

U.S. President Joe Biden is reportedly weighing a Pentagon proposal to deploy thousands of American troops to the Baltics and Eastern Europe...

First nations celebrate win against Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

Here’s how indigenous leaders pulled together a grassroots movement to resist the pipeline expansion.

Trump’s EPA finalizes rollback of methane emissions rules

“This damaging new rule won't save fossil fuel corporations, it won't bring the U.S. closer to energy independence, and it won't protect people from dangerous air pollution.”

Progressive powerhouses demand urgent overhaul of America’s housing policies amidst soaring crisis

The stark reality is that half of America's renters are buckling under the weight of exorbitant monthly payments, a burden that has pushed more citizens into homelessness than ever before.

Escalation in Lebanon sparks fears of regional war amid ongoing conflict

Israel’s recent airstrikes on Lebanon, involving 100 fighter jets, have escalated tensions with Hezbollah and raised fears of a broader regional conflict as global powers respond with concern.

Four ways Alaska’s unending warming impacts everyone

As remote Alaska warms and melts, it kicks off changes that will affect global systems and worsen climate change.

Chris Christie to Leave Over 3,000 Disabled People Homeless

Chris Christie is ending a three-year extension program designed to help people with permanent disability support. Is Christie trying to balance the state’s budget on the backs of disabled Americans while continuing to give to the rich?

The break-up?

Are the United States and Israel no longer friends?