Saturday, September 7, 2024

Most Americans don’t approve of animal testing—will the U.S. Congress finally pass legislation to...

The Humane Research and Testing Act seeks to move the U.S. toward more ethical methods of researching human disease that don’t involve animals.

Biden considering deploying thousands of troops to eastern Europe

U.S. President Joe Biden is reportedly weighing a Pentagon proposal to deploy thousands of American troops to the Baltics and Eastern Europe...

First nations celebrate win against Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

Here’s how indigenous leaders pulled together a grassroots movement to resist the pipeline expansion.

FTC challenges Big Pharma over unfair patents as Sanders applauds regulatory crackdown

The Federal Trade Commission intensifies its fight against pharmaceutical patent abuses, aiming to slash drug prices and increase access to generic medications.

UAE used Global Climate Summit to secure $100 billion in oil deals: Investigation reveals

The investigation found that the UAE's Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) sought nearly $100 billion in deals with oil, gas, and petrochemical companies during COP28.

How one organization is helping to grow cooperative businesses in New York City

Green Worker Cooperatives nurtures co-op startups in the South Bronx.

Four ways Alaska’s unending warming impacts everyone

As remote Alaska warms and melts, it kicks off changes that will affect global systems and worsen climate change.

Reparations demanded 20 years after US launched ‘war-for-profit’ in Iraq

"Justice also entails accountability for the perpetrators of these horrific crimes, including those responsible for the torture."

Chris Christie to Leave Over 3,000 Disabled People Homeless

Chris Christie is ending a three-year extension program designed to help people with permanent disability support. Is Christie trying to balance the state’s budget on the backs of disabled Americans while continuing to give to the rich?

Italy’s first climate lawsuit targets major oil company ENI

The plaintiffs are claiming past and potential future damages, saying Eni’s policies violate the Paris Agreement.