Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The mom and pop tax break

This month, millions of U.S. parents will get direct deposits in their bank accounts.

Algae growing under Arctic Sea ice found contaminated by microplastics

“Arctic biota are already under serious pressure from global heating, which progresses four times faster in the Arctic compared with the globe."

Bernie Sanders calls economic inequality America’s unspoken crisis at Progressive Central 2024

At the Progressive Central 2024 conference, Bernie Sanders and Pramila Jayapal emphasized the urgent need to address income and wealth inequality, arguing that these issues remain largely ignored in national discourse despite their profound impact on American society.

Elon Musk is hiding the ball again on taxes

Fanboys of the richest person on Earth are spinning bogus tales that swell the Musk fortune and embellish his ‘genius.’

US joins past empires In Afghan graveyard

President Biden announced a removal of all U.S. troops by September 11, but he failed to include some important details.

To grow our economic pie, cut more equal slices!

Back in the 1980s, eagle-eyed economists began reporting out a pair of phenomena you actually didn’t need eagle eyes to see: America’s...

The deadly intersection of labor exploitation and climate change

Neither the corporate media nor our politicians who are beholden to corporate lobbyists honestly address the common root causes of (and solutions to) worker exploitation and climate change.

Moving Forward

“We can live in a world where the police don’t kill people by limiting police intervention, improving community interactions and ensuring accountability.” Derek Royden takes a look at Campaign Zero’s police reform proposals.

UAE used Global Climate Summit to secure $100 billion in oil deals: Investigation reveals

The investigation found that the UAE's Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) sought nearly $100 billion in deals with oil, gas, and petrochemical companies during COP28.

A groundbreaking court case argues U.S. climate denial policy violates Americans’ right to be...

Our broken environmental policy treats nature as a human resource. Here’s how it can be fixed.