Thursday, September 19, 2024

From a concert in Las Vegas to a funeral in Yemen, we must stop...

Just as we are trying to get Congress to take action on gun control, so we must demand that Congress act to stop the US support for mass murder in Yemen.  

Biden and Sanders denounce ‘corporate greed’ in Big Pharma, demand lower drug prices

President Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders call out pharmaceutical companies for overcharging Americans, urging immediate reform.

The deadly intersection of labor exploitation and climate change

Neither the corporate media nor our politicians who are beholden to corporate lobbyists honestly address the common root causes of (and solutions to) worker exploitation and climate change.

EU approves law to ban greenwashing on product labels

“This law cuts through the smoke of misleading green marketing, putting a leash on shady claims and boosting the credibility of sustainability labels.”

All of Chile’s bishops offer resignations amid sex abuse scandal

They asked forgiveness for the pain that they have caused and the “omissions” committed.

Scientists’ urge international body to protect and regrow forests as a real climate issue

"...our message as scientists is simple: Our planet's future climate is inextricably tied to the future of its forests."

As Schumer tees up vote to codify Roe, Progressives urge elimination of filibuster

"If Republicans can end the filibuster to install right-wing judges nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote in order to overturn Roe v. Wade," said Sen. Bernie Sanders, "Democrats can and must end the filibuster to keep abortion legal and safe."

EU votes to cut pesticide use in half by 2030

“This vote brings us one step closer to significantly reducing chemical pesticide use by 2030."

Why Manafort and Cohen thought they’d get away with it

It takes a special counsel to actually catch white-collar criminals.

How flood-ravaged Kentucky is getting major federal infrastructure help

Climate change rendered these communities and countless others across the country vulnerable to increasingly frequent and powerful storms.