Thursday, September 19, 2024

Progressives urge Elizabeth Warren to rally behind Bernie Sanders after she drops out of...

Supporters of Sanders say they hope she will throw her support behind their candidate in order to form a united “progressive front” and take on powerful corporate forces now lined up behind Biden.

US vs. Apple: DOJ’s antitrust case

The antitrust case against Apple alleges that the company illegally blocks competition on smartphone devices monopolizing the smartphone market.

The Many Ways Women Are Beaten Down in America

Despite all the successes of women, such as earning the right to economic equality, the white male establishment has prevailed. Are women still second-rate members of society today?

US sent over 50,000 tons of weapons to Israel amid Gaza assault, fueling humanitarian...

This unprecedented level of military aid, averaging one shipment every 12 hours, has drawn sharp criticism from human rights organizations and international observers.

Delta Airlines helps National Park Service reopen MLK national park amidst the government shutdown

“As we celebrate his life and legacy this holiday weekend, we felt it was important we do our part to ensure that the historical landmarks be accessible to the public."

Israel’s ‘starvation strategy’: IDF targets World Food Program vehicle as Gaza’s famine worsens

As famine spreads across Gaza, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are accused of targeting humanitarian workers, including a World Food Program vehicle, in what some are calling a deliberate strategy to starve the Palestinian population.

Arizona teachers historic statewide walkout is latest demonstration in #RedForEd movement

“This isn’t just a political issue, but a moral issue as well.”

Biden’s Arctic drilling protections: Indigenous and environmental groups urge further action

Indigenous groups and climate advocates welcome Biden’s proposal to protect the Western Arctic from oil and gas drilling, urging further action for long-term preservation.

A judge has rejected Shell’s latest attempt to dismiss a Connecticut climate lawsuit

The ruling, coming about a year after the federal district court in Connecticut denied Shell’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit, means that a trial in the case could start sometime in 2024.

From a concert in Las Vegas to a funeral in Yemen, we must stop...

Just as we are trying to get Congress to take action on gun control, so we must demand that Congress act to stop the US support for mass murder in Yemen.