Thursday, September 19, 2024

A vote to retire two coal-fired power plants passes despite Trump’s cry to save...

"It is not about coal. This decision is about economics."

Former prison guard indicted for assaulting handcuffed inmate

On Wednesday, Almodovar was indicted on federal civil rights, conspiracy, and obstruction violations.

Wildfires could be pumping 3x more soot to the Arctic than previously thought, new...

The new findings are an example of how the impacts of the climate crisis build on each other.

Sanders and Senate Democrats push for strengthened student loan debt relief amid Supreme Court...

This effort, lauded as “historic” by Sanders and his colleagues, aims to provide significant financial relief to millions of Americans burdened by student debt.

Ad wars escalate ahead of 2018 midterm elections

Almost all of the spending by outside groups backing Democrats in Senate races since Labor Day has come from “dark money” sources.

Trump admin. attempts to erase existence of trans people after years of GOP-led attacks...

If enacted, the proposal would reverse the expansion of transgender rights that took place under President Barack Obama.

EU approves law to ban greenwashing on product labels

“This law cuts through the smoke of misleading green marketing, putting a leash on shady claims and boosting the credibility of sustainability labels.”

Elizabeth Warren urges Treasury and Fed to protect workers and taxpayers in new bailout...

“You can and must do better for American workers, taxpayers, and the economy.”

US vs. Apple: DOJ’s antitrust case

The antitrust case against Apple alleges that the company illegally blocks competition on smartphone devices monopolizing the smartphone market.

Progressives urge Elizabeth Warren to rally behind Bernie Sanders after she drops out of...

Supporters of Sanders say they hope she will throw her support behind their candidate in order to form a united “progressive front” and take on powerful corporate forces now lined up behind Biden.