Thursday, September 19, 2024

Critics say new revelations in judicial record bolster case for Thomas impeachment

"DOJ is the only agency positioned to truly hold Thomas accountable, because Thomas's conduct is more than unethical—it's likely criminal."

Controversial study says 1.5°C warming target already breached, ‘underscores urgent need’ to phase out...

They concluded that global heating had actually increased by 0.5 degrees Celsius more than earlier estimates.

Keystone XL pipeline gets new push from revolving door team of lobbyists

Both lobbying teams are also pushing to ease the regulatory and permitting path for future cross-border pipelines and domestic natural gas pipelines.

New report details fracking’s ‘widespread and severe harm’ to health and climate

"From a public health perspective and a climate perspective, stopping fracking is imperative."

Ten Ways to Make the Economy Work for the Many, Not the Few #7

American workers need a union to bargain on their behalf. Low-wage workers in big-box retail stores and fast-food chains need a union even more. If we want average Americans to get a fair share of the gains from economic growth, they need to be able to unionize.

5 ways environmental damage drives human diseases like COVID-19

Wildlife trade, deforestation, industrial farming and other factors threaten both animals and human health.

California governor proposes nation’s longest paid family leave

Newsom and his administration proposed six months paid family leave, the nation's longest if approved.

Mother of Heather Heyer, killed 1 year ago: Everyone needs to pick up the...

We speak with Heyer’s mother Susan Bro about Heather Heyer’s legacy and what activists can do to combat racism.

Humans are forcing plants to adapt at the fastest rate since the last ice...

New research published May 20, 2021 in Science found that humans have stressed plant ecosystems more severely, and for longer, than previously thought.

Youth activists in St. Charles and Tacoma take bold stance against arms shipments to...

Activists rally to halt arms manufacturing and shipment in dual demonstrations.