Friday, January 24, 2025

INFOGRAPHIC: The True Cost Of Eating Meat

The animal agricultural industry has a massive negative impact on the environment as a whole. But what is the true cost of eating meat?

Big Oil cheers as Trump plans to open national parks for drilling

For now, it looks like the Right's "Drill, Baby, Drill" ethos is back on.

How storied artist Mel Chin’s ‘constant revolution’ is tackling humanity’s environmental challenges

For this MacArthur fellow, art is a powerful tool for addressing complex environmental issues.

Australia wildfire coverage is long on koalas, short on causes

Though coverage of the Australian fires was slow to take off, it’s begun to capture more international attention, while highlighting the effects of climate change.

Youth fight back against Trump’s attempt to derail climate trial

“The Trump administration appears to labor under the mistaken belief that its decisions are beyond the jurisdiction of constitutional review.”

Court reaffirms Keystone XL’s non-pipeline construction permit invalid, again

“Constructing pipelines through rivers, streams and wetlands without analyzing the impacts on imperiled species is unconscionable."

Top Five Green Energy Breakthroughs Today (Video)

Switching to sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar power is necessary to save the planet from the negative effects of global warming. Here are the top five breakthroughs the world's experienced today.

Another major city bans single-use plastic bags

“It’s a fantastic first step to a larger zero-waste mentality.”

How the environment fared in the midterm elections

Here are some results from notable elections around the country – and what they could mean for the future of the planet.

Looking backwards: 2020-1944

Perhaps you’ll recognize the reference in the title to this article to a novel published in 1888.  It was the third most...