Bill McKibben on Earth Day at 50: We must stop subsidizing fossil fuel industry...
Half a century later, in the middle of a pandemic, protests planned around the world have moved online, and the Trump administration has gutted the EPA, rolled back fuel economy standards and eased the enforcement of pollution regulations.
White House unveils plan to replace all lead pipes in next 10 years
“The bottom line is that there is no reason in the 21st century for why people are still exposed to this substance that was poisoning people back in the 18th century.”
New study takes comprehensive look at how pesticides are contributing to global PFAS contamination
The study, which was published in the journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, confirmed the presence of PFAS in both agricultural and residential pest control, including pet flea treatments.
Emails show FBI and police are monitoring Oregon anti-pipeline activists
The emails circulated by the task force include activists' social media posts, emails and rally announcements.
‘Huge victory for our oceans:’ Trump effort to open Arctic to oil and gas...
"Experts in environmental law estimate that the Trump administration has now lost about 40 environmental cases in federal courts."
Environmental protection head rejects ban on chemical insecticide
The chemical is currently used on over 40,000 farms in the U.S.
New research shows just how many fish are eating plastic
A new study reveals that certain kinds of fish are more likely to have ingested plastic—including hundreds of species people depend on for food.
How Mexican farmers got the better of Trump
Turns out corn farmers south of the border know more about trade than the U.S. president.
Glyphosate sales fall as Bayer takes a €2.5 billion hit
A “significant further decline” of glyphosate sales could push Bayer towards a breakup of its agriculture business.
BlackRock security, NYPD ‘brutalize’ climate protesters
Eleven out of 75 activists were arrested after storming the headquarters of the world's largest fossil fuel investor with pitchforks and fake oil.