Monday, September 16, 2024

Record number of U.S. weather disasters struck in 2020, costing billions

The fact that more people are living in areas vulnerable to climate disasters also contributed to the record number of billion-dollar events.

VIDEO: Obama Gives Shell Final Approval to Drill in Arctic Despite Protests and Pledge...

Despite President Obama's historic climate action plan, he recently gave Shell the final approval to drill in the Arctic and is now defending his approval.

In Alaska, Theatrics of Obama’s Climate Agenda Don’t Measure Up to Promises—or Reality

As the end of the Obama presidency nears, it's obvious that short term interests are favored over the very fate of the planet. The U.S. has become the world’s largest energy producer since he became president. Can you say hypocrisy?

Rising temperatures, rising deaths: The urgent need for action as heat-related deaths soar by...

They identified 21,518 deaths during this period where heat was either the underlying or a contributing cause of death.

Global oil demand to peak next year, BP predicts

The report focused on two main forecast scenarios—Current Trajectory and Net Zero—and predicted that oil consumption will peak at approximately 102 million barrels a day in 2025.

Biden-administration to build thousands of chargers across US under Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act...

Funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, the Biden administration announced $521 million will be awarded in grants to complete this.

Anger Translation: Why Obama Was Ranting Against GOP Climate Policy at Press Dinner

Big Oil, Big Coal and Big Gas have such a strong grip on Congress, helping to avoid climate disruption. And that is why President Obama went into his comedic rant against climate denial at the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner.

Oklahoma’s oil industry touts a voluntary fund to clean up oil wells. Major drillers...

The money that has been refunded to these companies in recent years could have restored an estimated 1,500 orphan well sites.

22% of San Joaquin Valley residents breathing chemical pesticides, study finds

While the toxicity of some of the detected compounds has been shown through studies, the potential adverse effects of others on humans is unknown.

Great Britain generates more than 80% of summer electricity from renewables

Luke Clark, director of Renewable UK told The Guardian that while this progress is promising, the UK still needs to step up green energy efforts.