Wednesday, September 18, 2024

45,000 Wild Horses Avoid Slaughter

The BLM will "continue its current policy of caring for unadopted or unsold wild horses and burros" and will "not sell or send any animals to slaughter."

How the Koch network’s ‘social change’ strategy is built to kill the electric car

That's how you get policymakers to spurn electric cars.

In California’s Imperial Valley, residents aren’t waiting for government to track pollution

For marginalized communities along the California-Mexico border, projects to gather and share scientific reports are crucial to holding agencies accountable.

Nestlé to be Sued Over Water Groundwater Extraction in California

Three environmental groups are pursuing legal action against Nestlé for continuing to extract groundwater with an expired permit in California during a drought.

Fossil fuel giants’ record payouts amid deepening climate crisis

The world's five largest oil companies, BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and TotalEnergies, reported record profits and approved major new fossil fuel projects.

Oil spill shuts TransCanada’s Keystone Pipeline in same county where ‘paper-thin’ pipe found in...

The cause of the spill is not yet clear and investigators have not yet confirmed its precise location.

IOGCC Representatives Spout Climate Denial at ExxonMobil-Funded Meeting

IOGCC may be just as bad as ALEC, but has yet to come under fire for its relationship with Exxon.

Global audit reports just how much pollution giants like Coca-Cola and Nestle create

Break Free From Plastic bins to end global plastic pollution by identifying these giant polluters and making them accountable.

New report ranks 17 major US food manufacturers on their actions to reduce growing...

The report was conducted by As You Sow and found General Mills, Lamb Weston, Del Monte, and PepsiCo to score the highest when it came their actions to reduce the growing risk of pesticide use.

Thirsty fields: How agriculture drains the Colorado River’s lifeline

As water becomes increasingly scarce, what choices lie ahead for the river's sustainability?