Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pray With Your Feet

Civil disobedience to halt the assault by the oil and gas industry is an act of faith for retired Episcopal Bishop George Packard.

Massachusetts to phase out toxic PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ in firefighting gear

In 2027, sellers and manufacturers of firefighters’ personal protective equipment will no longer be allowed to knowingly sell gear that contains “intentionally-added PFAS.”

Green Energy Is Surging and You’ll Never Guess Why

Many countries around the world have adopted wind and solar power for their electricity needs displacing hydrocarbons at a fast rate. Juan Cole highlights the stories illustrating the surge.

GOP Climate Denial Syndrome Sweeps Wisconsin

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker recently imposed a "gag order" prohibiting public lands workers from talking about climate change while on the job. The worst part about it, Walker wants to be the next president of the U.S.

VIDEO: The President Should Not Only Veto the Keystone XL Pipeline, but Stop it...

President Obama has the authority to end the environmentally damaging Keystone XL pipeline project altogether. It's time we pressure the White House to go through with it.

Building collisions are killing as many as 1 billion birds a year in the...

The researchers analyzed the wildlife rehabilitation records of thousands of birds who had been involved in window collisions.

State of Emergency in California as Santa Barbara Cleans Up from Another Major Oil...

Crude oil from a broken pipeline has led to an alarming amount of oil to leak into the Pacific Ocean leaving Santa Barbara area in a state of emergency. The company, Plains All American, is not required to be supplied with an automatic shutdown valve in case of a leak so the leak continued for a while before being looked into.

VIDEO: A Fossil Fuel Free World Is Possible

According to a Stanford professor, the U.S. has the ability to become 100 percent fossil fuel free by relying solely on renewable energy. California has recently approved dozens of environmentally friendly bills, now let's get the other states on board.

‘Largest environmental crime in Sweden’: 11 on trial for illegal dumping of toxic waste

The charges levied against the Nilssons and Think Pink are serious environmental crime, as well as serious economic crime.

How to decolonize our battle against climate change

Rich countries have exported climate breakdown through extractive industries, creating a “carbon colonialism.”