Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Brother of Hillary Clinton’s Top Campaign Aide Lobbied for Fracked Gas Export Terminal Co-Owned...

In October 2012, Podesta Group began lobbying on behalf of the proposed ExxonMobil-Qatar Petroleum Golden Pass LNG facility in Sabine Pass, Texas, according to lobbying disclosure forms. The forms indicate that Tony Podesta himself, not just his staff, lobbied on behalf of the terminal beginning in quarter four of 2013.

Anger Translation: Why Obama Was Ranting Against GOP Climate Policy at Press Dinner

Big Oil, Big Coal and Big Gas have such a strong grip on Congress, helping to avoid climate disruption. And that is why President Obama went into his comedic rant against climate denial at the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner.

The Hairball That Gagged a Fracker

Rick Berman is a political consultant who plays so dirty even Big Oil is not interested him. This man takes funding from corporations and uses that money to publicly slam environmentalists, low-wage workers, and any of his enemies.

Top 10 Ways to Prove You Love the Earth on Earth Day

While environmentalism meant something different in 1970 than it does now, Juan Cole discusses the 10 ways you can prove you love the earth as we raise awareness about climate change on Earth Day.

Choosing Life

Farmers often display genuine affection for the animals they abuse and send to slaughter. Have we created a belief system that inures people to suffering in a culture that kills? It's time we restore balance to the earth and our lives.

Making Science History

The Koch brothers are buying up museum boards to influence others of their junk climate theories. Isn’t it odd that infamous science-deniers are directing a science museum?

‘Carbon Copy:’ How Big Oil and King Coal Ghost Write Letters for Public Officials,...

A coal mining company has been writing protest letters for allied policymakers and business groups. These letters are almost identical to one another requesting time extensions to begin implementing new rules in dictating the coal industry. Sketchy, right?

Wisconsin Climate Change Gag Order Part of Broader Industry-Tied Attacks on Science

Wisconsin’s Board of Commissioners of Public Lands has banned employees from working on anything concerning climate change or global warming. Money was the main influence, unfortunately, so trying to fight this is going to be a challenge. But activists should not give up the fight.

BNSF Challenges Lawsuit from Engineer Who Ran for His Life From Exploding Oil ‘Bomb...

After former BNSF locomotive engineer, Bryan Thompson, suffered injuries from an oil-by-rail train the company is arguing that some federal laws protect them from paying. Are U.S. laws and policies structured to favor the powerful rail industry over people?

Expert Warns Catastrophe Looms by Century’s End if Climate Change Isn’t Sharply Curtailed Now

Harold Wanless, a leading climatologist and geologist, predicts that global warming and sea level rising are going to be much more severe than the consensus predictions. Will we all struggle to breathe soon?