Monday, September 16, 2024

650,000 K-12 Children Attend School Within One Mile of a Fracked Well in U.S.

The spread of fracking across the U.S. over the last decade has been damaging to our environment and health, and it’s time to put a stop to the practice and start healing the damage.

Congress investigates how Marathon Petroleum and Koch Network influenced clean cars rollbacks

Marathon “worked with powerful oil-industry groups and a conservative policy network financed by the billionaire industrialist Charles G. Koch to run a stealth campaign to roll back car emissions standards.”

Trump has made the 2020 election a referendum on climate change

It takes four years to quit the Paris Agreement. That means voters will be able to let Donald Trump know what they think of his decision to do so.

Database reveals how much pollution Big Oil’s top execs are responsible for each year

“The rich have profited for so long from a fossil fuel economy that they’re obviously going to be the ones to try and block change."

EPA employee denounces Pruitt, Trump in fiery resignation letter

Other staffers are dissenting from within the agency.

A Few Great Fun Ways In Which You Can Protect the Environment

There is no real reason why you could not have a lot of fun while you protect the environment and you play your part in making the world a better place for the future generations.

The inception of Synthia

How a biotech God gave birth to synthetic life

North Dakota’s carbon capture project Tundra another ‘expensive greenwashing’ attempt to bail out coal...

Project Tundra's boosters are frank about the project's intent: To maintain coal's primary role in North Dakota's energy mix.

Democrats push groundbreaking bill to make Big Oil pay for climate crisis

The Polluters Pay Climate Fund Act would require major fossil fuel companies to pay into a damages fund, modeled after the Superfund, to help mitigate the harm caused by their contributions to global warming.

The risky business of government-run pipelines

The project has always been about business – and this is something the Canadian government must quickly recognize if it’s going to create value for Canadians.