Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hospitals are investing billions of dollars in fossil fuels, report reveals

Should hospitals decide not to join the fossil fuel divestment movement, they risk betraying their mission to serving their patients, new report said.

Sanders’ plan to fight global climate disaster too ambitious, says NYT

Until media start to treat the climate crisis with the urgency the scientific community continually tells us it requires, they will continue to be a major part of the problem.

Can This Entrepreneur Save Flint From a Plastic Bottle Crisis?

David Antelo says his reverse osmosis machines can provide clean water to the lead-plagued city without the landfill waste.

Young people express disbelief at older generation’s Trump and Brexit choices, say ‘join us’...

There is a sense that, if needs must, this is a generation ready to take the future into their own hands

After approving Enbridge Permit, Massachusetts’ Environment Secretary lands job with project’s contractor

Citizens and experts who are appealing the permit have included these revelations in their appeal, which the DEP will hear next month.

2 hurricanes could strike US on the same day for the first time in...

The current projections have both storms passing through the Gulf of Mexico and barreling into the coast at the same time on Wednesday morning.

‘Strong hearts to the front!’: Indigenous water protectors take direct action against Minnesota tar...

"Clean water and unpolluted land capable of providing sustenance is essential to our survival... [and] Line 3 poses an existential threat to our well-being."

Biden admin announces steps to boost U.S. solar projects

“Investing in American-made clean energy will boost U.S. manufacturing, lower costs for families, create millions of good paying jobs, and position the United States as a global leader on the cutting edge of clean energy innovation,”

Storms and rising seas threaten coastal ecosystems—here’s what we can do

Governments and nonprofit organizations need to act fast to ramp up existing protection efforts and be effective advocates for these threatened resources.

Pipelines make uncomfortable neighbors in Appalachia

Residents face the threat of disasters, construction noise, and loss of control over their land.