Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Fracking filthy fuel

England is the only country within the UK where fracking is currently allowed.

50 Native Tribes Join Fight to Prevent Delisting of Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

The treaty signed today makes a statement about the core interests of Native American and Native Canadian peoples in the survival of the grizzly bear.

A mix of unusual forces is fueling Southern California’s fires

Scientists have tied California's fires to rising temperatures and years of epic drought.

Tigers Declared “Functionally Extinct” in Cambodia

Cambodia will attempt to reintroduce tigers into a protected forest in order to bring them back from the brink of extinction.

VIDEO: Bombing the Arctic: US Navy War Games in Gulf of Alaska Threaten One...

Despite local demonstrations against destructive war exercises, the U.S. Navy is set to start the naval training in the Gulf of Alaska—one of the most pristine places left on Earth. Is the Pentagon making war on Alaska?

Agreement made to increase protection of biodiversity at COP15

Are governments "finally starting to forge a peace pact with nature?”

US annually uses 388 million pounds of potentially fatal pesticides banned in the EU,...

Eighty-five pesticides currently in use across the country have been banned or are in the process of being phased out in the three nations, in large part due to their harmful impact on human health or the environment.

Respect existence or expect resistance

“It’s time that we take responsibility for our own lives … that we create a world which gives us the power to act, instead of hoping that other people will solve problems.”

The Last Time Summer Was This Hot, Human Beings Hadn’t Yet Left Africa

“In other words, it is not clear that we can survive big temperature increases like 6 and 10 degrees C.”