Wednesday, September 18, 2024

EPA head continues to defend Trump’s historic mistake

By withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, Scott Pruitt and Donald Trump are turning their backs on American families, eating away at America's global leadership and standing alone on the wrong side of history.

This city in Oregon is making moves to ban natural gas in new homes...

The Eugene city council has broken off negotiations with a major gas utility that has resisted greenhouse gas reduction targets, and has instead opted to go the route of banning new gas hookups.

Trump administration drills down on Alaska’s Arctic Refuge

The deeply unpopular plan would benefit a few rich oil companies while threatening people, wildlife and the climate.

Fossil fuel investments cost California and Colorado pension funds over $19 billion, report finds

The findings highlight how the poor financial performance of fossil fuel companies over the past decade stands to shift how debates over fossil fuel divestment are framed.

Oil refineries face shutdowns as demand collapses

In other words, facing a mounting glut and no ability to lower output further, some refineries may simply need to shut down entirely.

In ‘targeted strike’ against environmental and racial justice, Trump EPA curbs state power to...

"Like so much of what Trump is pursuing now, this is a targeted strike against environmental justice and racial justice."

‘Twisting words’: UK oil industry and business department using Climate Change Committee to justify...

Oil & Gas UK and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have been taking the CCC’s advice “out of context” when discussing new North Sea projects, say campaigners.

Historic agreement on plastic pollution reached by 180+ countries without the US

"This is a crucial first step towards stopping the use of developing countries as a dumping ground for the world's plastic waste, especially those coming from rich nations."

21 Kids Take on the Feds and Big Oil in Historic Climate Lawsuit

“The future of our generation is at stake.”

Oil and gas industry rebukes fracking ban talk as UN shows just how much...

“The time to begin planning for a wind-down of gas production is, as with other fossil fuels, already upon us."