Thursday, September 19, 2024

Decimation of the rainforests and the money men

A completely new approach to so-called development as part of far reaching systemic change is urgently needed.

Exxon sued again for ‘misleading’ advertising

“ExxonMobil’s advertising and marketing mislead the public by presenting ExxonMobil’s clean energy activities as a significant proportion of its overall business.”

When can pipelines take private land? Jordan Cove LNG project a test for eminent...

“This is not for a school, it’s not for a hospital, it’s not for an interstate, all of which we acknowledge benefits a wide variety of U.S. citizens. The only people that are going to benefit from this are the people that are invested in fossil fuels.”

‘It’s a proud day’: Oregon landowners celebrate demise of LNG project, even as legal...

A coalition of Oregon landowners, environmental groups, and Native tribes fended off Jordan Cove for more than a decade. But the legal implications of the project’s demise outside of Oregon are unclear.

The youth of the world call on us to act against climate change

Since Greta Thunberg began her Friday strikes in front of the Swedish parliament, calling for action against climate change, she has been...

After two wars, Standing Rock is the first time I served the American people

‘I’ve been on the wrong side of history’

The end of oil? Pandemic adds to fossil fuel glut, but COVID-19 relief money...

“The pandemic has taken essentially every weakness that already existed in the oil industry and then made each of them much, much worse..."

Vote like the planet depends on it—because it does

"We need to have climate justice."

Overwhelming odds, unexpected alliances and tough losses — how defeating Keystone XL built a...

From frontline battles to large national mobilizations, tar sands resistance developed new tactics and organizing strategies for the larger climate struggles ahead.

Youth climate activists will not stop fighting their climate case – even after 9th...

“The 9th Circuit has deprived people in that Circuit the ability to seek a resolution of a real controversy with their government.”